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Mike Plumridge


Mike Plumridge

Supporters of the Maritime Foundation and particularly those involved with the Maritime Media Awards will be sorry to learn that Mike Plumridge died on Sunday 10th April.

After leaving the Royal Navy in 1974 during which time he served in submarines and naval intelligence, Mike became the founder secretary of the Solent Branch of the Nautical Institute with Admiral Macdonald as Chairman. Subsequently joining the Institute as Deputy Secretary in 1984. He was responsible for all the Branches, Membership and the Papers and Technical Committee. Upon retirement in 1998 Mike then worked on the history of The Nautical Institute and published his book ‘A Nautical Odyssey’ which is a treasured legacy. He also became Hon. Secretary of the Maritime Media Awards Committee where his stalwart support and wise counsel was unstinting.

Mike will always be remembered for his practical approach to life and the genial manner in which he engaged with everyone. He will be greatly missed by all of us.

A Memorial Service is to be held at St Peters Church, Bishops Waltham, Hampshire at 14:00 on Thursday 21st April 2011

Messages and tributes can be entered online at Telegraph Announcements

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