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Annual Service of Remembrance for Those Lost at Sea 2024


The Maritime Foundation’s Annual Service of Remembrance for Those Lost at Sea with No Known Grave takes place at All Hallows by the Tower, London next Thursday at noon (10 October 2024).

Over the centuries, many people have lost their lives at sea – during peacetime and war, in shipwrecks, natural disasters or shoreline tragedies. For those left behind, it can be difficult when there is no graveside at which to mourn.

The Maritime Foundation established the Memorial Book in 1987 to provide a focus of remembrance for relatives and friends of those who have lost their lives – not just in historical events, but also in present day incidents – irrespective of creed, nationality or context. It resides in the Mariners’ Chapel at All Hallows and records their names and, where possible, the circumstances of their deaths.

The service is open to all, and will be followed by light refreshments, and we hope as many as possible will join us for this special and moving occasion.

To attend the service, please contact the Lost At Sea Coordinator at The service will also be livestreamed around the world on the Lost At Sea and All Hallows websites.

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